Welcome to the CENTRE OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL Excellence Advisory Board!


The Center of Chemistry and Chemical Excellence (CCCE) is a pioneering initiative dedicated to fostering the advancement and development of chemists and chemical professionals on a global scale. Recognizing the dynamic nature of the chemical industry and the pivotal role of chemists, the CCCE serves as a one-stop platform to provide chemical professionals with the resources they need to excel in their field.

The Advisory Board of any professional organization, in fields like chemistry, acts as the compass that directs the institution's course, ensuring its relevancy, progress, and alignment with the larger goals of the discipline. Here's a detailed highlight of the critical role played by the advisory board in shaping the future of the chemistry profession:

  1. Expert Insight: Comprising seasoned professionals, the advisory board offers a wealth of experience and knowledge, ensuring that any decisions or strategies adopted are grounded in proven practices and comprehensive understanding.
  2. Strategic Direction: The board plays a crucial role in formulating the strategic vision for the chemical organization, ensuring that the profession adapts to changing healthcare landscapes, emerging technologies, and evolving patient needs.
  3. Quality Assurance: They are responsible for maintaining and elevating the standards of chemical practice. By evaluating programs, research initiatives, and training modules, they ensure that the highest levels of quality and excellence are maintained.
  4. Advocacy and Representation: The advisory board acts as a voice for the chemical community, advocating for their rights, needs, and concerns at various forums, including policy-making bodies, educational institutions, and the larger healthcare industry.
  5. Integration of Emerging Trends: In a rapidly evolving medical landscape, it's the board's responsibility to identify and integrate emerging trends into the profession, be it technological advancements, innovative care methodologies, or new research findings.
  6. Fostering Collaborations: The board often acts as a bridge, fostering collaborations between chemical organizations, educational institutions, research bodies, and other healthcare professionals. These collaborations are pivotal in ensuring a holistic growth of the profession.
  7. Ethical Guidance: Upholding the moral and ethical standards of the chemical profession is a primary duty of the advisory board. They provide guidelines, recommendations, and decisions based on the core values of the chemical profession.
  8. Feedback Mechanism: One of the most vital roles is to provide feedback on various initiatives and programs. This ensures a continuous loop of improvement, adaptation, and refinement, keeping the profession in line with global best practices.
  9. Mentorship and Guidance: On an individual level, the advisory board members often serve as mentors and guides for emerging chemical leaders, offering their insights, sharing their experiences, and paving the way for the next generation.

Our Mission

The core mission of CCCE is to champion the growth and prosperity of chemical professionals worldwide. Rooted in the understanding that ongoing education, research, and professional expansion are central to superior patient care and the advancement of chemical as a field, the CCCE is devoted to providing nurses with the comprehensive tools and resources they need.

Our Vision

To lead and inspire a global community of chemical professionals by fostering a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and excellence. Guided by our commitment to the highest standards of chemical research and practices, we envision a future where chemists are empowered with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to drive the evolution of the chemistry sector. Through collaboration, mentorship, and dedication to evidence-based practices, our advisory panel aims to ensure that CCCE remains at the forefront of chemical education and research, shaping the future of the profession for generations to come.

Who We Are Looking For

Ideal Advisory Board Member for the Center of Chemistry and Chemical Excellence (CCCE)

1. Qualifications and Expertise

  • Educational Background: A higher degree in nursing or a related field, such as a PhD, or an equivalent qualification.
  • Professional Experience: Retired PhD Scholars, those who have pursued the zenith of academic achievement and have a wealth of knowledge from both their scholastic pursuits and professional endeavors. Seasoned Professionals with 30+ Years of Experience, Individuals who have navigated the nursing landscape for three decades or more, witnessing its evolution and contributing to its growth.
  • Specialized Knowledge: Expertise in a specific domain of nursing or healthcare can be beneficial, offering the board a diverse range of insights.
  • Research Acumen: Familiarity with the latest research methodologies, understanding of evidence-based practices, and contributions to published works in renowned journals.

2. Personal Qualities

  • Visionary Thinker: Ability to foresee future trends and challenges in the nursing profession and suggest proactive solutions.
  • Integrity: Upholding the highest ethical standards, being transparent, honest, and trustworthy.
  • Strong Communicator: Clear articulation of ideas, active listening skills, and the ability to foster meaningful discussions.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Being a team player, valuing diverse opinions, and working synergistically with other board members.
  • Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Embracing the ethos of continuous learning, staying updated with the latest in the field, and promoting the same within the community.
  • Problem Solver: Ability to approach challenges with a strategic mindset, offering pragmatic and innovative solutions.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing the global nature of the CCCE's work, an ideal member should respect and value diverse cultural perspectives.

3. Dedication and Commitment

  • Time: Willingness to dedicate sufficient time for board meetings, review sessions, and other associated activities.
  • Engagement: Active participation in discussions, offering feedback, and taking on responsibilities.
  • Long-Term Vision: Commitment to the long-term goals of the CCCE and the nursing profession at large.
  • Advocacy: Being a vocal advocate for the CCCE's mission and the broader goals of the nursing community.
  • Mentorship: Willingness to guide and mentor emerging nursing leaders and professionals, sharing expertise and insights.

4. Additional Considerations

  • Network Connections: Having a broad professional network in the healthcare sector can bring about collaborative opportunities, resources, and partnerships.
  • Technological Acumen: In today's digital age, familiarity with technology, especially tools relevant to healthcare and education, is an advantage.
  • Global Perspective: Experience or understanding of global healthcare trends and challenges ensures the CCCE's relevance on an international scale.

Why Join Our Advisory Board?

  • Legacy Continuation: Your lifetime of work doesn't have to end with retirement. Here's a chance to continue shaping the profession and ensuring that upcoming generations benefit from your insights.
  • Mentorship Opportunity: Play a pivotal role in guiding young professionals, offering them the wisdom only years of experience can bring.
  • Strategic Influence: Your insights will play a critical role in the strategic decisions and directions the CCCE adopts, ensuring its relevancy and efficacy.
  • Networking: Engage with both seasoned peers and emerging leaders in nursing, fostering dialogues that span generations of professionals.
  • Clear Guidelines and Expectations: Provide advisory board members with a clear document outlining their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This should include details about the frequency of meetings, participation in peer review, and other relevant duties.
  • Access to Journal Information: Give advisory board members access to the journal's website, submission system, and any relevant databases or archives. They should be able to review submissions, track journal progress, and access published articles.
  • Regular Updates and Communications: Keep advisory board members informed about the journal's activities, milestones, and developments. Regular email updates, newsletters, and announcements can help keep them engaged.
  • Peer Review Tools: If your advisory board is involved in the peer review process, provide them with access to the journal's peer review platform. Ensure they understand how to use it effectively.
  • Journal Policies and Guidelines: Share the journal's policies and guidelines with advisory board members. This includes ethical guidelines, conflict of interest policies, and any specific journal policies regarding publishing ethics.
  • Recognition and Appreciation: Acknowledge the contributions of advisory board members publicly. Mention their names and affiliations on the journal's website or in published issues. Consider sending certificates or tokens of appreciation.
  • Meetings and Collaboration: Organize regular meetings or virtual conferences with advisory board members to discuss journal strategy, upcoming issues, and trends in the field. Encourage open dialogue and collaboration.
  • Training and Support: Offer training or support sessions if needed. For instance, if you implement new technologies or tools, ensure that advisory board members are trained on how to use them.
  • Access to Editors and Editorial Team: Facilitate communication between advisory board members and the journal's editors and editorial team. This ensures a smooth exchange of ideas and feedback.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Structured feedback mechanism where advisory board members can provide input, suggestions, and critiques. Encourage them to share their insights on journal improvement.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Opportunities for advisory board members to attend conferences, workshops, or seminars related to their field of expertise. This can help them stay informed and connected.
  • Recognition of Expertise: Recognize advisory board members as experts in their respective fields. Encourage them to contribute opinion pieces, editorials, or guest editorials for special issues.
  • Flexibility and Support: Be flexible in accommodating the needs and preferences of advisory board members. Provide support and resources to help them fulfill their roles effectively.

The Value of Diversity and Inclusion in the Advisory Board

Diversity and inclusion are imperative in today's globalized world, particularly within advisory boards that guide the direction of organizations and professions. Here's a look at the multifaceted value that diversity and inclusion bring to the advisory board:

  1. Broader Perspectives: Diverse backgrounds, be they cultural, geographical, educational, or experiential, introduce a range of perspectives. These varied viewpoints can offer unique solutions to complex problems, ensuring a holistic approach.
  2. Informed Decision-making: With representation from various groups, the board is more likely to make decisions that account for a broader range of needs and considerations, making these decisions more comprehensive and informed.
  3. Innovation and Creativity: Diversity often acts as a catalyst for innovation. Different experiences and viewpoints can lead to more creative problem-solving and the development of novel ideas.
  4. Increased Representation: An inclusive advisory board ensures that the voices of different segments of the nursing community are heard and represented. This can be particularly significant in addressing the specific challenges faced by underrepresented groups.
  5. Enhanced Credibility: A diverse and inclusive board is more likely to be viewed as credible and legitimate by a wide audience. It sends a message that the organization values and respects all contributions, regardless of background.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Diversity ensures that the board remains culturally sensitive, crucial for organizations operating in a global context. It ensures that strategies and decisions take into account cultural nuances and differences.
  7. Strengthened Community Engagement: When members from different backgrounds see themselves represented in leadership roles, it fosters a sense of belonging. This can enhance engagement, trust, and participation from the wider community.
  8. Promotion of Equity: Actively promoting diversity and inclusion is a step toward achieving equity in the profession. It challenges and seeks to rectify systemic biases that may exist.
  9. Adaptability: Diverse teams tend to be more adaptable to change. With a multitude of perspectives, they can navigate and respond to evolving situations more effectively.
  10. Long-term Success and Relevance: Organizations that embrace diversity and inclusion are more likely to thrive in the long run. They remain relevant, tap into a broader talent pool, and resonate with a global audience.

Your Impact as an Advisory Board Member

  1. Strategic Guidance

    • Shaping Organizational Direction: Advisory board members play a pivotal role in setting the course for an organization. Their collective expertise, experiences, and insights help to identify opportunities, threats, and trends that may impact the future.
    • Informed Decision-making: Drawing from their professional backgrounds, they provide data-driven insights that inform key decisions, ensuring that organizational strategies are both evidence-based and forward-thinking.
    • Feedback and Review: Their role isn't just about creation but also evaluation. Advisory board members critically assess ongoing programs, initiatives, and strategies, offering feedback for refinement and optimization.
    • Resource Allocation: They can offer guidance on how best to allocate resources—financial, human, or technological—to maximize the impact and efficiency of organizational endeavors.
  2. Mentorship

    • Guidance for the Next Generation: With their vast experiences, advisory board members are in a unique position to guide emerging nursing professionals. They can provide career advice, share experiences, and offer solutions to challenges young professionals might face.
    • Skill Development: Beyond just career advice, they can help mentees develop specific skills, be it in research, clinical practice, or leadership.
    • Safe Space for Dialogue: Mentorship offers a platform for open dialogue where emerging professionals can ask questions, seek feedback, and gain confidence in their roles.
    • Personal Growth: Through mentorship, board members also experience personal growth, gaining fresh perspectives and rejuvenating their own passion for the profession.
  3. Advocacy

    • Voice for the Profession: Advisory board members often represent the organization and, by extension, the nursing profession in various forums—be it policy-making bodies, academic conferences, or public platforms.
    • Policy Influence: With their stature and expertise, they can influence healthcare policies, ensuring that the interests and needs of the nursing community are considered and prioritized.
    • Public Perception: Through public engagements, writings, or media appearances, they can shape the public's perception of nursing, highlighting its value, challenges, and successes.
    • Championing Initiatives: They can spearhead or support initiatives that further the cause of nursing, be it in research, education, or practice.
  4. Networking

    • Building Bridges: Advisory board members often have extensive professional networks. They can introduce members of the organization to key individuals or entities that might be beneficial for collaboration or partnership.
    • Access to Opportunities: Their connections can open doors to opportunities—be it research grants, collaborative projects, or speaking engagements.
    • Knowledge Exchange: Networking isn't just about opportunities but also about knowledge exchange. Engaging with diverse professionals can lead to the sharing of best practices, innovations, and solutions.
    • Strengthening the Community: Through networking, they help knit a stronger, interconnected community of nursing professionals who can collaborate, support, and uplift each other.


Advisory board members will serve as mentors, advisors, and advocates for CCCE.

  • The responsibilities may include:
    • Providing guidance on strategic planning and growth initiatives.
    • Offering insights and recommendations on industry trends and best practices.
    • Mentoring emerging nursing professionals within the organization.
    • Supporting fundraising and advocacy efforts.
    • Attending periodic advisory board meetings or providing remote contributions as needed.
    • Promoting the mission and goals of CCCE within their networks.
  • Advisory board members shall serve in a voluntary, pro bono capacity. No financial compensation shall be provided for their services.

Term and Duration

  • The term of advisory board membership shall be for a renewable period of 2 years.
  • Members may resign from their position at any time by providing written notice to the CCCE leadership.

Meet Our Current Advisory Board: Click Here

How to Apply

Interested individuals can these detailed steps to express their interests or apply through the APID platform:

1. Registration on APID

  • Navigate to the APID website using your preferred web browser.
  • Locate and click on the "Register" or "Sign Up" button, usually found on the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Enter your email address and request an OTP, which will be sent to your email. If you don't receive the OTP, click on resend.
  • Enter the OTP you receive to verify your account. After verification, click continue to set your password.

2. Accessing the Advisory Board Application:

  • After verification, you'll be directed to update your basic details, click on next, you will be asked if you wish to apply for Editorial Board/Advisory Board, click on yes and click update profile/Claim APID. You will be redirected to the application form

3. Completing the Application Form:

  • Fill out the form in its entirety. Ensure that all sections are completed accurately.

4. Submission:

  • Once satisfied with your application, click on the "Submit" or "Apply" button.
  • A confirmation mail will be sent to your registered mail address, indicating that your application has been received.

5. Awaiting Response:

  • After submission, the advisory board's selection committee will review applications.
  • Once the review process is complete, you'll be notified of the decision.

6. Additional Tips:

  • Ensure your provided contact information is accurate to facilitate easy communication.
  • Regularly check your email, including the spam/junk folder, for any communications regarding your application.
  • Familiarize yourself with the board's current members, goals, and initiatives to be well-prepared in case of an interview.
